get away

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Hait useita sanoja sisältävällä fraasilla. Kokeile hakea sanoja erikseen:


get away

  1. välttyä jltk, päästä jstk, päästä kuin koira veräjästä, säästyä, välttyä, päästä, selvitä, välttää, karttaa, vältellä, paeta, murtautua, karata, karistaa kannoiltaan, päästä pakoon, karistaa, livahtaa.

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päästä vapaalle, päästä pois, päästä lomalle


päästä jstk (literally) To move away (from).

Get away from the edge of the cliff!

Get away from me!

(with from when used with an object) To avoid capture; to escape (from).

Surround the bank! Dont let the robber get away!''

I almost caught the critter, but it got away from me.

(with to when used with an object) To take a break from one's present circumstances; to journey (to), especially on holiday.

''This place is really getting me down. I need to get away for a while.

Next weekend were hoping to get away to the seaside.

To start moving; to depart.

The train got away exactly on time.

To slip from one's control.

I cant cope any more. Things are getting away from me.''

Expressing disbelief.

You bought that for twenty pounds? Get away!

Sarcastically express disbelief, often to indicate that another's statement was obvious.

The surface of the sun is very hot.

Get away.


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